Using an Area Rug to keep your house warm


Did you know that your floors can account for over 10 per cent of heat loss around the home? Although it is March and it may seem like winter is behind us, the ever unpredictable English weather means that there could be more snow and cold mornings just around the corner. Therefore it is vital that we help you do everything you can to keep your home warm and reduce any heat loss.


Those with wooden floors may notice that their home struggles to retain heat and that it gets a little cold under foot in the mornings. So if you know that your home is prone to losing heat, seriously consider using area rugs around your house. Although they are now primarily considered as a design feature, people can forget that area rugs were originally invented to keep you warm and stop heat loss through wooden floors. If you are worried about keeping your new carpets and rugs clean, then have a read of our recent article on the best ways to remove stains and keep your carpets clean. 


What material should you use?


It is important to remember that different materials will offer different levels of insulation. Wool is a great option as it is durable and soft underfoot, as well as providing the best insulation. However, in comparison to the other rugs on the market, it can be quite costly to purchase and maintain. If you are looking for a cheaper option then you should definitely not rule out cotton, acrylic or nylon. They will all do the same basic task of insulating your wooden floor. At the end of the day, it comes down to the amount that you are willing to spend on your rug.


What makes a rug warmer?


Whilst you are shopping around for your new area rug, you may be comparing all of the specifications. If the main selling point for you is the warmth, then you need to be looking for the rugs with the highest stitch count. The stitch count refers to the amount of loops or threads that are present in the rug. The higher the stitch count, the more dense the rug is and therefore the warmer, better insulator it will be.


How big should my area rug be?


In terms of size, it is obvious that the larger the rug the better it will be at insulating the room. However, you should still take into account the rest of the design aspects in the room. Many interior designers will tell you that the size of an area rug is vital to the overall look and feel of the room. If the rug is too small you run the risk of it looking completely out of proportion. Interior designers will often aim to have at least the front legs of every piece of furniture on the rug; having the rug carry on under the furniture creates the illusion of a larger rug and therefore a larger space. It will also ensure that your feet don not touch the cold floor when you step off of the couch.


area rug


Improving the insulation of your home will almost certainly have a positive effect on the cost of your utilities bill. If you feel that investing in some area rugs is out of your budget, take a step back and look at the long term effects. You will likely pay back the cost of the rugs in the savings on your heating bills in no time.