How to mix and match different floor styles within your home


It often seems like a good idea to use a single flooring style for each level of a home. This can be true in many cases, allowing for a simple and clean aesthetic, well suited to smaller apartment buildings in particular. However, there are many reasons to use multiple flooring styles. Wood flooring may be more suitable for hallways but if you have a family living room then a carpet might lend a cosier feel. Likewise, a kitchen could be floored with real effect vinyl for easy maintenance. In this post we’ll provide all the tips for creating a seamless look, allowing rooms to compliment each other, without fragmenting space.  


Blend blend blend


There are a few routes you can go down when it comes to deciding which colour flooring to choose. The first, perhaps easier, approach is to choose colours as similar to each other as possible. For example if you’re transitioning from a light wood hallway it’s advisable to choose a carpet with similar tones for the living room. It’s also a good idea to avoid those classic silver transitioning strips if they don’t serve your palette well; there are subtle wooden options and an array of other less noticeable choices available.


Or own it


Alternatively you can make a show of each space by using highly contrasting stylings, even within the same room. While tricky to pull off, the results can be stunning. The trick is to clearly define the boundaries between each type of flooring. You can do this by laying tiles or strips in opposite directions and/or by using highly contrasting colours, such as light tiles and darker woods, for a more dramatic scene change.


If you’re looking to match existing hardwood to new flooring then this technique can be a godsend, saving time needed to find a close (sometimes non-existent) match. In the same vein, a good way to create an intentional defined look is by using clever transitions. Going from a hardwood dining room to a tiled kitchen? Why not consider using a mosaic pattern strip. Its intricacy lends itself well to creating a neat, yet unjarring, border. Guaranteed to be the recipient of many an envious glance.


What to watch out for


As with everything, the key to a beautiful home is moderation. To keep a sense of flow we recommend keeping the number of types of flooring to two per floor, any more and there’s a real chance the space appears uncoordinated. Likewise, if you’re decorating a large space it’s a good idea to try and co-ordinate your furniture with the room. A helpful technique is to put lighter furniture in darker floored rooms and vise-versa. This balances out the house as a whole, creating a sense of continuity. Just keep in mind that each home is different and what works for a large airy townhouse might not be as suitable for a rustic cottage.


Whatever the home we’re always amazed how a great choice of new flooring can transform a space. So whether you’re reflooring a simple conservatory or building a house from scratch, just remember that when it comes to floors there are no ceilings!